Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replicas of a selection of predator and prey skulls. This robust, high-quality replica skull set is perfect for classroom studies...
The purpose of this exercise is to stress the relationship between structure and function and to study the adaptability of fish to their environments. The...
The focus of this kit is to learn about cell structures and organelles and correlate cell structure with function. Students view living and dead cells,...
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replica of a Mountain Goat skull. This robust, high-quality replica is perfect for classroom studies at any level. The mountain...
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replicas of a selection of animals. This robust, high-quality skull set gives the student the opportunity to compare the skulls...
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replicas of a selection of birds. This robust, high-quality replica is perfect for classroom studies at any level. This kit...
Highly detailed, anatomically correct plastic replica of an American Black Bear skull. This robust, high-quality replica is perfect for classroom studies at any level. The...
A detailed model showing internal and external features of Paramecium, including meganucleus, micronucleus, oral groove, buccal cavity, food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles, trichocysts and locomotory cilia....
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