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“INTRODUCTION TO CHROMOSOMES KIT” has been added to your basket. Continue shopping Product Price Quantity Total Beneficial and Pest Insect Kit $46.59 $46.59 Beneficial and Pest Insect Kit quantity $46.59 X Domestic Hen Dissection Model $130.44 $130.44 Domestic Hen Dissection Model quantity $130.44 X FORCE METER, 250GM/2.5N, 5GM $8.54 $8.54 FORCE METER, 250GM/2.5N, 5GM quantity $8.54 X PRECISION DYNAMOMETER, 3KG/30N, 60GM $13.18 $13.18 PRECISION DYNAMOMETER, 3KG/30N, 60GM quantity $13.18 X BLOOD TYPING KIT (ABO & RH) $418.54 $418.54 BLOOD TYPING KIT (ABO & RH) quantity $418.54 X DNA MODEL KIT (WITHOUT PAINT) $164.36 $164.36 DNA MODEL KIT (WITHOUT PAINT) quantity $164.36 X ANTI-RH SERUM $109.59 $109.59 ANTI-RH SERUM quantity $109.59 X NEWTON METER, 5KG/50N, 100GM $4.48 $4.48 NEWTON METER, 5KG/50N, 100GM quantity $4.48 X TALLQUIST HEMOGLOBIN SCALE $74.57 $74.57 TALLQUIST HEMOGLOBIN SCALE quantity $74.57 X INTRODUCTION TO CHROMOSOMES KIT $228.31 $228.31 INTRODUCTION TO CHROMOSOMES KIT quantity $228.31 X Have a coupon? Promotion Basket totals Subtotal $1,198.60 Total $1,198.60 Proceed to checkout
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