Aluminium block with 2 socket 4 mm for attaching plug-in components. Use with the dynamo-meter for frictional forces in static and sliding friction. 2 surface...
Discover Physics: Simple Pendulum Experiment Kit for Engaging Learning Embark on a journey of scientific exploration with our Simple Pendulum Experiment Kit. This engaging kit...
Downloads Data Sheet Mechanic Kit Panel type ESP59745.PDF File Used for investigate the nature of force by statics methods. It also help student to acquire...
Students use simple pendulums to accurately determine the passage of time. Real data is recorded as students determine the effects of independent variables on periodicity...
Experiment Topics MU-1 The Vernier Calliper MU-2 Inclined Plane Force I MU-3 Inclined Plane Force II MU-4 Lifting an Object Along an Inclined lane MU-5...
Used for experiment principle of measurement, measuring of density, basic principles of simple plane (crank, pulley and incline plane), motion principle, wave principle, sounds principle...
For recording one dimensional motions (type motion, speed, acceleration) of a trolley or falling weight by analizing ticks on 9.5 mm ticker tape which are...
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